Office Hours: M-Th 7:30a - 3:15p/F til 2:15p
Phone Number: (952) 935-4497
Email: info@minnetonkachristian.com
Know Christ. Share Love. Serve Others.
Minnetonka Christian Academy has a uniform policy that coincides with our school brand. Uniforms contribute to a positive school climate and create an environment conducive to learning. The policy is intended to keep students in a 'student' mindset, minimize distractions, and teach students to present a positive and respectful image of themselves.
For our returning families, burgundy items will no longer be considered part of the acceptable school uniform during the 2023-2024 school year. The only exception to this is MCA logo apparel, which may be worn on Fridays in any color.
CLOTHING OPTIONS (Polos and pants/shorts may be purchased from any store in the correct colors!)
Navy Blue Polo (short sleeve or long sleeve)
Gray crewneck cardigan sweater (for girls and boys)
Gray v-neck vest (for boys)
Gray shorts (bermuda style, no short shorts)
Gray pants (no frayed pant bottoms, rips or tears)
Gray or navy blue jumpers, polo dresses, or skirts (for girls)
MCA Spirit Wear hoodie/zip-up (online store available beginning July 17)
MCA hoodies & zip-ups are the only outerwear allowed in the classroom. No other jackets, hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, or zip-ups are permitted.
PK-2nd grade students may wear gray leggings/sweatpants daily
Gray joggers/sweatpants or shorts
MCA Spirit Wear t-shirt in any color (will need to purchase item from MCA)
MCA hoodie in any color (will need to purchase item from MCA)
Tennis Shoes
5-10th must have appropriate footwear for P.E.
No slippers or roller shoes
PK-4th grade - No sandals or flip-flops, socks are required
Hats and other head garments are considered inappropriate attire while in the school building.
Jewelry - if worn, should be both modest and non-distracting.