Office Hours: M-Th 7:30a - 3:15p/F til 2:15p
Phone Number: (952) 935-4497
Email: info@minnetonkachristian.com
Know Christ. Share Love. Serve Others.

At Minnetonka Christian Academy it is our mission to empowers children to become lifelong learners who KNOW Christ, SHARE love, and SERVE others. We encourage and mentor our students to follow Jesus by engaging in worship, prayer, Bible study, Christian fellowship and stewardship.
Every Friday students in Pre-K through 10th grade gather to worship and learn about God. Students are encouraged to express their hearts toward God through music, teaching, scripture reading, and prayer. Local pastors, teachers and guest speakers are invited to speak in a wide variety of biblical based experiences throughout the year. Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend chapel on our campus.
We provide opportunities for all students to learn the importance of servant leadership through a variety of outreach activities. Students in all grades participate through classroom teaching, chapel and opportunities to serve in the community.
The following highlights some of the ways our students have reached out to their local community. Our students have ministered and served with:

helping hands club
christmas child

feed my starving children