Office Hours: M-Th 7:30a - 3:15p/F til 2:15p
Phone Number: (952) 935-4497
Email: info@minnetonkachristian.com
Know Christ. Share Love. Serve Others.
Minnetonka Christian Academy is committed to managing traffic and parking in a safe and effective way for the benefit of students, parents and the community. Please be courteous to other drivers and vigilant in watching out for the safety of our students and staff.
Parents/guardians are asked to drop off students at the sidewalk area located in front of the school. Please drop off your child at the sidewalk and then move on immediately to keep traffic flowing. Please do not get out of your vehicle. If you need to enter the school in the morning, you will need to park in the designated parking spaces in front of the building.
Dismissal takes place between 3:00-3:15 Monday through Thursday and 2:00-2:15 on Fridays. Please enter on the north side of the parking lot and wait in line for your child to come up to your vehicle. Please do not park and leave your vehicle unattended in the drop-off/pick up area.
If you need to enter the school, please park your vehicle in the available parking spaces. If someone other than a parent/guardian will be picking-up your child, please email or send a ClassTag message to your child's teacher.
If a child is not picked up by 3:15 p.m. they will be sent to the after-school care program.
All pedestrians are asked not to cross the parking lot between or in front of vehicles waiting in the drop-off/pick up line.